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Peaky blinders and the Oldsmobile
The 1932 Oldsmobile being used for a Peaky Blinders photo shoot.

1946 Dodge WD-21 pickup
Our 1946 Dodge being used for a themed photoshoot. "Southern Belles".

1935 Austin Westminster
On set as an "American" car for Millers crossing. This car was used as it is smaller than most genuine American cars.

Peaky blinders and the Oldsmobile
The 1932 Oldsmobile being used for a Peaky Blinders photo shoot.
Film and promotion work
For film-work we use our own vehicles and also have many contacts for American and English cars from most periods.
In the past we have been on set with celebrities including;
Anthony Hopkins
Sir Richard Attenborough
Hale and Pace
Roy Hudd
James Fox
Our cars have been used in the following list of production:
Shadowlands, (Richard Attenborough)
Lipstick on your collar (Renny Rye)
Le passionate
Head over Heels
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